2009年12月13日 星期日



作者(Author): 劉照金
貢獻者(Contributor): 休保系
上傳日期(Update): 2009/3/25 下午 10:57:00
中文摘要(Chiness Abstract): 為探討太極拳運動對老人身心保健之價值,並推廣為老人規律性保健與養生運動。本研究主要目的如下:(1)回顧太極拳運動對老人運動適合性之相關研究;(2)回顧太極拳運動對老人保健效果之相關研究。本文採文獻回顧(literature review)之方法,從蒐集國內外有關太極拳相關文獻或實證研究,以分析太極拳運動對老人身心保健之保健價值。經由本相關之文獻之回顧與分析,本研究結論如下:(1)太極拳運動不管在自衛、醫療及冥思等運動特徵上,均非常適合高齡者運動的需要;(2)從醫學或運動科學的實證研究回顧,太極拳運動對老人的姿勢及平衡功能、心臟血管系統、呼吸系統、健康體適能、情緒及心理健康、復健及慢性病均俱有顯著改善效果。針對研究之結果,本研究對太極拳運動的推廣策略、宣導、教育、休閒文化提昇及未來研究提出一些建議,以提供相關單位參考。 關鍵詞:太極拳;老人學;保健;老人

English Abstract: The study is to investigate the value of Tai-Chi Chuan to the senior citizen’ healthcare and suggest that senior citizen to exercise Tai-Chi Chuan as a regular exercises for the healthcare and healthy living. The main purposes of this study are as follows: (1) To review the study on appropriateness of distinctive features of Tai-Chi Chuan to senior citizens; (2) To review the effectiveness of Tai-Chi Chuan to the health care of the senior citizen. The method of this study adopted literature review, we analyze the value of Tai-Chi Chuan to senior citizens’ deceases healthcare. The results are shown as follows: (1) In the features of self-defense, medical treatment, and meditation, Tai-Chi Chuan is an appropriate exercise to the needs of the senior citizen; (2) Evidences shown in the researches of Medical Science in Kinematics, Tai-Chi Chuan has notable improvements in the senior citizen’ postures, coordination, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, healthy fitness, emotion, and mental health, recovery, and chronic diseases. According to these results, we offer some suggestions on the promotive strategies, guidance, education, leisure culture and the further study of Tai-Chi Chuan to the organizations concerned. Keywords: Tai Chi Chuan; Gerontology; Healthcare; Senior Citizen