2009年9月24日 星期四

Shibashi Qigong (Kuala Lumpur)

Shibashi Qigong
The 18 movement Taiji Qigong was created in 1979 in Shanghai, China by Tai Chi Master He Weiqi and Qigong Master and healer Lin Hou Sheng. The routine combines elements from the Yang form and more traditional breathing and movement exercises from Qigong.
It has quickly become very popular exercise around practiced and enjoyed all around the world.Whether you call it Taiji Chi Kung Shibashi (shibashi means 18 movements in Chinese), Taiji Qigong in 18 Movements or Eighteen Forms of Tai Chi Chi Kung, it is one of the most popular Qigong in the world.
Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi was mainly developed by Professor Lin Hou-Sheng in 1979. Professor Lin is a renowned Qigong Master, scientist and Master Healer. His remarkable credentials include Professor of the College of Chinese Medicine in Shanghai, Director of Qigong Research Institute in China and Honorary President of the International Society of Natural Cures.
Master Lin is well known in China and has published more than ten books. In 1980 he developed a technique for successfully using Qigong as the only anesthesia needed in surgical operations: no anesthetics, no acupuncture needles just "qi" energy. His scientific studies on Qigong healing have been published in the prestigious journal Nature (Vol. 275,1978). Master Lin has also personally given qigong healing treatments to high-ranking Chinese officials such as president Jiang Zemin.

Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi is a Qigong which based on the philosophy of Tai Chi and extracts some of the best movements from the Yang style Tai Chi Chuan. It places emphasis on synchronizing the 18 movements with proper breathing techniques. It is a gentle, beautiful and flowing Qigong exercise routine that is both a joy to do and deeply relaxing.
Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi is designed to improve the general health and wellbeing of the practitioner. The gentle rocking motions and stretching movements improve circulation and digestion. The chest exercises and controlled breathing are good for lung conditions and asthma. And the overall effect of the exercise is to reduce mental stress and physical tension carried in the muscles of the body. This Qigong is very effective and easy to learn. It is practiced around the world by over 10 million people, and is considered a national health exercise in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Some benefits of Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi:
Improves Health
Increases Energy, Agility and Flexibility
Loosens and Strengthens Joints and Muscles
Controls Weight
Rejuvenates Body, Mind and Spirit
Reduces Stress
Improves Concentration and Intuitive Abilities
Controls Emotions
Easy to Learn
A Word from Sifu (Master) Wing Cheung
"I have learned more than 30 different styles of Qigong. Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi is one of the most effective and easiest to learn. Most of my students are able to master it in just a few lessons. And many of them can feel the presence of 'Qi' traveling in their bodies after practicing for just 3 months.
My sifu (master) constantly reminds me that 'fame and fortune' are what prevent most qigong masters from advancing to a higher level. After immigrating to North America, I am very upset to find so many so-called Qigong masters charging outrageous prices for their Qigong workshops.
Qigong should not be only available to those who can afford to learn it. Everyone should have an opportunity to learn it! That's why I have created this free qigong video so that all can have a chance to study it.
I am sure you will benefit from this gift. Just follow the instructions and practice daily. Be sure to spread the word about this website so that more people can benefit from this qigong video."

