2009年9月27日 星期日

老人学电脑 可健身强智

老人学电脑 可健身强智
操作电脑的动作量不大,是许多老年人力所能及的,只要经过一段时间的学习,就会感到使用电脑确是其乐无穷。如有的老年人爱爬格子,学会了电脑就事半功倍;有的老年人有子女在国外,学会了电脑就可以与远在天边的亲人聊天,发电子邮件;有的老年人儿孙辈都会用电脑,学会了电脑和年轻人就能有共同的志趣和语言。而最重要的还是老年人学电脑,手勤了,能使脑更灵,因为手是大脑接收信息的重要通道,人的手指有柔软的肉球,内有丰富的神经,通过动手,手接收到大量的信息,通过一定的神经通道输入到大脑迫使大脑思考,促进智力发展,从而延续了神经细胞的退化、衰老。所以,动手的过程也是动脑的过程,手越动越巧,大脑也越用越灵。自古就有“手勤脑灵健身益寿”的说法。老年朋友不妨大胆学电脑,学会电脑,既掌握了先进的科学技术,又达到增强智力延缓脑衰的效果。Old school computers can be fitness-Qiang Chi
Computer is a high-tech product, she was able to work, live, entertainment and bring great convenience and fun at. But do not understand computer, no contact with the computer people have thought that the computer operation, use very complicated for her at arm's length. In fact, computer operation, use is not difficult, after a period of study, whether children or the elderly, can be used properly.
Action is not the amount of computer operation is that many elderly people within its capacity, as long as after a period of study, may feel the use of a computer is really great sport. If the elderly love Page Zi, learning the computer is more efficiently; and some older children abroad to learn the computer to chat with far away loved ones, e-mail; some older children will use computers grandchildren , learn the computer and young people will be able to have a common inclination and language. The most important thing is to old to learn computer Shouqin, and make the brain is more spiritual, because the hand is an important channel of information the brain receives a person's finger soft Meatballs, which is rich in nerves, through hands-on, hand to receive to the large amounts of information, through a certain nerve-channel input to the brain thought to force the brain to promote the intellectual development, and thus perpetuates the degradation of nerve cells, senescence. Therefore, the hands-on process is also a brain process, the more hands the more clever move, the brain is also more you use the more spiritual. Since ancient times, "Shou Qin Ling Brain Fitness Yishou" argument. Old Friends dare to learn computer, learn computer, not only mastered the advanced science and technology, but also to enhance the effect of mental decline slow down the brain.

